NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming)

NLP was born initially as an alternative school of psychotherapy in California, USA, during the mid-seventies. It was initiated by John Grinder, a linguistic professor, and Richard Bandler, a mathematician, at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC).

The two co-founders were at the time students of Gregory Bateson at UCSC, and published their first book "The Structure of Magic, I" in 1975. In this book, they tried to extract the rules of human verbal communication, which would be equivalent to linguistic grammars or to mathematical formulas, by modelling such genius "therapeutic wizards" as Milton H. Erickson, the most important hypnotherapist , Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt Therapy and Virginia Satir, one of the authorities of family therapy.

Since around 1980, NLP has transformed itself from a mere alternative tool to psychotherapy to a full-fledged methodology of "communicational psychology", which assists its practitioners in such areas as 1) personal development, 2) creativity enhancement, 3) increased performance, 4) improved communicational skills and 5) accelerated learning.

NLP provides us with a set of models of the world; they are called NLP presuppositions. NLP doesn't claim that they are necessarily true, but they turn out extremely powerful, in the sense that they will assist those who follow those models of the world in achieving more easily what they really want to achieve.

Guhen Kitaoka, who has been trained by both the co-founders of NLP, finds that John Grinder is the best theoretician of NLP, Richard Bandler the best practitioner of NLP, and Robert Dilts, one of their students, the best inventor of NLP techniques.

Indeed, techniques invented by Dilts, such as "Meta Mirror", "Resonance Pattern", and "Belief System Integration", are extremely powerful in achieving the five aims mentioned above, along with another technique "Submodalities" invented by Bandler.

Copyright ©1996-2000, by Guhen Kitaoka. All rights reserved internationally.