The following table of contents shows the titles of the pages which are included in Guhen Kitaoka's
"CYBERBOOK: An Integral Epistemology for Enlightenment" published in the form of a CD-ROM.
On this site, you can access the pages underlined as hyperlinks.

Table of Contents

* Art 
- Psychology and Art
* Buddhism 
- Buddhism 
- Tibetan Buddhism 
- Zen Buddhism
- Zen Koans
* Communication Psychology
- Communication Analysis
- Communication Psychology
- First & Second-order Change
- Homeostasis
- The Palo Alto Group
* Computers/Cybernetics
- GUI Operation Systems
   and NLP
* Consciousness
- Can One be Aware of a
   Number of Things at One
- Chemically Induced States of
- Consciousness/Awareness 
- Creativity 
- Does Language Restrict or
   Expand our Experience?
- Freedom
- Is a Human Being Robot-like?
- Mental States
- Privileged Moment
- Samskara
- What Happens after Death?
- Witness
* Dichotomy
- Chunk up and Chunk down
- Context and Content
- Noumenon and Phenomenon
- Infinity and the Finite
- Interface of Dichotomies
- Pleroma and Creatura
- Self and Maya
- The Unchangeable and the
* Enlightenment
- Can a Wave Change the
- Can Enlightenment be
- Can Enlightenment be Mapped?
- Can Mind be Transcended by
- Enlightenment
- Epistemology for Spiritual
- Is Enlightenment a State?
- Is Instant Enlightenment
- Satchitananda
- Two Metaphors about
   Enlightened Masters
- Who am I?
* Epistemology
- Anthropological Research
- Gregory Bateson 
- Double Bind
- Elimination Process
- Epistemology
- How can Truth be Confirmed?
- How infinite Infinity is
- Multi-level Perception
- The Theory of Logical Types
- The Theory of Probability
- Three Universal Human 
    Modelling Processes
* Great Masters
- Bad Students?
- Gurdjieff 
- Patanjali 
- Shankaracharya 
- The Source Teacher
* The Guhenian System 
- Guhen Kitaoka 
- The Guhenian System
* Hypnosis/Meditation 
- Milton H. Erickson 
- Hypnosis
- Meditation
- Metaphors
- Time Distortion
- Trance
- Transpersonal Experience
* Learning
- All Human Learning is a 
    Process of Habit Formation
- Congruity
- The Elusive Obvious
- Fractals
- Genius
- How to Become a Good Speller
- How We Know What We
- Learning
- The Law of Requisite Variety
- Three Step Procedure to
- Unconscious Competency
 - Uptime & Downtime
* NLP 
- Aikido/ NLP/ Feldenkrais
- Anchoring 
- Eye Scanning Patterns
- 4 Tuple (4T) 
- Logical Types of Our Inner
- NLP Co-developers
- NLP Co-founders 
- NLP Presuppositions 
- Personal Editing
- Reframing
- Submodalities
- TD Search 
* Psychology 
- Enhancing Development
    Training (EDT) 
- SDMLB (State-dependent
    Memory, Learning and
- Transpersonal Psychology 
- Unfinished Business
* Vedanta 
- Advaita Vedanta 
- Brahman/Atman Identity 
- Conflicts between Vedanta
    and Buddhism
- Five Sheaths 
- Karma/Reincarnation
- Metaphor of Four Bodies/
    Guhenian Metaphor
- Three Bodies 
- Three Gunas
- Vedanta
* Yogas 
- Four Yogas 
- Upanishads

- Bibliography 

* Paper/artices written by
   Guhen Kitaoka

    (not included in the Cyberbook)

- NLP and Spirituality

- The Guhenian System as
  an Application of NLP to
  the Spiritual Field

- Spiritual Growth through
  Transpersonal Psychology

- The Relevance of Ancient
  Teaching in Modern Society


Copyright ©1996-2000, by Guhen Kitaoka. All rights reserved internationally.